Saturday, November 27, 2010

UAE Law and Legal Authority System

Private security supports the role of the police by making sure it is a safe society. Police forces have many roles in each Emirate it is important for private security to work together with the police. The police should be called when there is an emergency. If the police come to your work site officially, you should obtain information from them for your report. A crime can involve doing something’s against the law or fating to do something the law requires. Shari’ a (Islamic law) is the basis for law in the UAE. Statute or penal law is part of the penal code of the UAE. A crime has legal, moral and material elements. Customary law can also be used to decide disputes law can be either criminal civil law involves disagreements between people or commercial interests. Criminal law can be made up of felonies, misdemeanors, or contraventions. Landlord, tenant disputes are part of civil law and guards guarding property come across this a lot. Punishment in court cusses usually depend on the kind of offence, the seriousness of the offence and the kind of law the offence breaches. Security guards appearing in court should be on time, be prepared and should act professionally. When questioned in court, guards ensure they understand what they are being ask and should always give truthful answers, even if the answer is “I don’t know”. When giving testimony in court guards should always follow the instructions of the judge.
An arrest is a detention according to and under the authority of law. The authority for police and citizen power or arrest is in the penal code. Police have a regular process for their actions at a crime scene and when arresting a person. A person has been arrested when they have been detained against their will; a person can only be arrested when there is evidence a crime has been committed. If a person suspected of a crime refuses to cooperate, they must either be arrested or released. There are four duties required by a security guard if they arrest a person. They are: Identify yourself; tell them the person they are under arrest; tell them are now in custody or if necessary restrain them. If a security guards arrests a person, they must call the police immediately. Police are allowed to search and arrested person and take certain items they find off of them and put in safe keeping. Security guards should make sure they are aware of their company policy on searching arrested persons. Searches should only be conducted if there is suspicion an arrested person has a weapon. If any item is seized as a search, it should be given to the police. The use of force is a difficult decision for a security guard at that time make a note of the points and discuss with your instructor. Not all use of force is illegal. Security guard must be able to justify using force and that force used was reasonable, necessary and not excessive.

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