Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Emergency Situations and Responses

A fire has four parts: fuel, heat, oxygen and combustion- taking away one of these will put out a fire. The correct fire extinguisher should always be used for that kind of fire. The easiest way to deal with fire is to prevent it before it happens. Guards can practice good fire prevention by being observant and aware of their surroundings. Guards should maintain a regular watch for common fire hazards. Guards are not expected to be fire fighters but can stop a small fire from growing if it can be done safely. If you think a small fire will grow, always activate a fire alarm. If a fire alarm is activated, always contact the fire service (Civil Defense). There is A-B-C-E of fire extinguisher types, each used for a specific kind of fire. Hose cabinets in a building are usually water-based. Guards should be aware of the location of the sprinkler and standpipe systems at their work sites. A fire scene could also a crime scene. Make a point of learning about hazardous materials at your work site. Symbols are used to mark common hazardous materials. Transporting hazardous materials is known as transportation of dangerous goods. To respond to hazardous materials, know your site’s response plan, contact your control room or supervisor or client, be prepared to contain an area, know your site’s evacuation plan, and remember fire extinguisher symbols. If you can do nothing else, contact the fire service (Civil Defense) at 997. All bomb threats should be taken seriously. Prepare in advance what to do if you receive a bomb threat – know your site contact, have a question checklist prepared, and know your site’s response plan. Where you receive a threat by telephone or in person, get as much information as possible. There are 5 basic principles of bomb threat searches, make a note of them and discuss with your instructor. There are 3 common types of search methods grid, concentric circles and bottom to top. Make notes of areas you have checked in a search, do not rely on your memory. An explosive device, or suspicious items, can be almost anywhere. It may be contained in another item, such as a briefcase or sports bag. If you find an explosive device or suspicious items, don’t touch it and call your planned contact (or contact the police) and evacuate the area for 100m, and remember not to use a radio or mobile phone. Move people away from the item.
One of the important roles of security is to assist in an emergency. An emergency situation is a serious occurrence that that happens unexpectedly and requires immediate action. Emergency situations can be man-made or natural. There are 3 major kinds of emergencies, danger to life, danger to health and danger to property. An important factor in dealing with emergencies effectively is leadership – security guards are expected to know what to do. People have different reactions in an emergency. In an emergency, keep clam, ask for help, use the resources around you, follow a plan and know your site. The most important thing you can do to deal with an emergency is plan for it to happen. The role of security at a labor dispute is to protect people from injury or assault, protect property from damage, and control site access. The most important aspect of building evacuation is having a plan for safe evacuation and conducting it without panic. In planning for building evacuation, prepare in advance, know what you are going to do, know how to do it, know what happens when you do it, and expect the unexpected. You regular duties will help you prepare for emergency building evacuation. In an evacuation, be prepared to help the disable, the elderly, and infants and children. Assembly areas are pre-determined locations for evacuees to meet. Evacuated buildings should only be re-entered if an emergency official tells you it is safe to do so. Crowd control is the orderly management of large group of people. Crowds can be dangerous, and never try and control a crowd alone. When dealing whit a crowd, be friendly but firm, keep your eyes on the crowd, and call for assistance if a problem arises.

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