Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Dealing with the Public and Cultural Diversity

Security companies are service businesses and security guards play an important role in delivering a quality service. Providing a service means doing something a customer wants, in a way a customer wants in done. A security guard has 3 customers: a) primary client, b) people who deal with the primary client, c) the public. Client needs and expectations of security include security, assistance, knowledge, problem-solving and a positive attitude. Good customer service by a security guard can make the difference between keeping a security contract and losing it. Exceeding service expectations means being consistent, being positive, remember that image is important and being customer-focused. Providing good customer service dose mot mean letting security standards drop. Customer service includes participating, being patient, being polite, remaining calm and handling complaints appropriately. While on a site, you may be asked to perform tasks which are not directly about security. Understand the six considerations if your customers request that you provide a non-security task and make a note of them and discuss with you instructor. Don’t let a non-security task distract you from providing good security but always consider that it is good customer service if you can safely do so. Security is a service business it must always be balanced against customer service.
The UAE is a culturally diverse country. 85% of residents are expatriate. As a Muslim country, behaviors acceptable elsewhere, such as public drunkenness and swearing in public, are not tolerated. Prejudice is pre judging someone or something because of an internal belief. Discrimination is treating some people different form others on the basis of race, religion, gender, or ethnic background. Stereotyping is an individual behavior that makes assumptions about people or cultures as a group.

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